Transport Reform Network launched

The Transport Reform Network (TRN), launched in Sydney today, brings together more than 30 groups and organisations for a national campaign to galvanise community support for reform.

“Everyone is tired of congested roads, crowded trains and buses, and infrastructure that just doesn't work, but as individuals we largely feel disempowered to do anything about it,” new TRN Chairman Dennis Cliche said.

There was no easy solution and governments were faced with significant funding challenges and choices, he said in a statement. “It's time we had an open, honest conversation in the community. We need to get informed, ask questions and consider all the options,” he said.

According to Doug Jones AO, partner at renowned law firm Clayton Utz, there is a critical need for Australia to address the infrastructure backlog and unlock productivity growth, “both for the country's long-term economic benefit and the benefit of future generations.

“Clayton Utz supports the TRN as an important initiative in encouraging open, focused debate and a co-operative approach to achieving reform across all transport modes, for the benefit of all Australians.”

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