Traffic operation targets WA truckers

WA Police and Main Roads WA have conducted a joint traffic operation targeting heavy haulage vehicles travelling through Wubin, which is a route regularly taken by truck drivers between Pilbara-based mine sites.

The operation was conducted from 13-15 January 2015 and involved random alcohol and drug tests.

During the three-day traffic operation roadside drug testing random breath tests were conducted on 200 heavy haulage truck drivers, with only three testing positive for illicit materials.

“People driving heavy haulage trucks need to be 100 per cent alert and in control of their vehicles at all times. When you combine the size and weight of both the truck itself and the load it is carrying, any lapse of concentration could have deadly results and we won’t tolerate anyone driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs,” said Commander Murray Smalpage, Regional WA Police.

“We received a lot of positive feedback from truck drivers during the operation. As is the case in many industries it is the actions of a few that tarnish the reputation of many.”

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