Scania puts the squeeze on fleet running costs

Scania offers a variety of fleet related management tools to make life easier for transport operators; from offering a repair and maintenance contract to taking complete control of a fleet’s day-to-day running, as well as monitoring (wirelessly and via the internet) and reporting on asset utilisation (tracking and route planning), exception reporting and service planning.

For fleet owners keen to know where their assets are located, how efficiently they are running and who want to be able to optimise both utilisation and efficiency, the Scania Fleet Management System is the key to unlocking this information and works equally as well in both small or large fleets.

The Scania Fleet Management System provides visible data on every driver’s performance including their driving style, mechanical sympathy and fuel efficiency (and thus environmental impact). Each of these aspects can be compared and rated, allowing operators to help improve their bottom line.

Scania also offers Driver Training to help optimise and improve driving styles for employees falling outside pre-set parameters.

As the Scania Fleet Management System provides a myriad of information in one package, collating and analysing data is kept simple.


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