Origin takes the lead to keep Queensland roads safe

Origin Energy Australia is the first company to be licensed under a new Cold Seam Gas (CSG) Logistics Safety Code of Practice, launched this week in readiness for the expected increase in heavy vehicle traffic in Queensland.

The CSG Code of Practice standardises the detection, remediation and reporting of gas emissions from CSG facilities – such as the Australian Pacific Line Project, Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas Project (GLNG), Gladstone LNG Project and the Queensland Curtis LNG – and places particular emphasis on community safety.

The Australian Logistics Council now issued a license to Origin under the new code, and Managing Director Michael Kilgariff congratulated Origin for taking such a proactive approach to how they handle safety on the state’s roads. “CSG will account for a large proportion of the forecast increase in heavy vehicle usage in Queensland,” he said.
“In becoming the first signatory to the CSG Code, Origin is ensuring that all company employees operating heavy vehicles, contractors and subcontractors will comply with the 45 legal elements laid out in the Code.”

According to Origin Upstream CEO, Paul Zealand, whose company took the lead in formulating the industry code, Origin is committed to ensuring that every heavy vehicle movement was a safe one. “During the next four years, the number of heavy vehicle movements from our project alone is expected to increase significantly,” he said.

The CSG Code was developed in line with the National Logistics Safety Code. Among the areas covered are fatigue management, including driver health and fitness for duty, scheduling and transit times; safe loading practices including mass, dimension and load restraint; speed management; vehicle compliance and safety; and contractor safety including subcontractor management.

The CSG Code comes into effect ahead of the introduction of the National Heavy Vehicle Law on January 1, 2013. It will standardise heavy-vehicle legislation across Australia, and will be enforced by a national regulator.

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