On Saturday, 26 November, NatRoad will host a dinner to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the formation of the National Transport Federation (NTF) at the Quality Parklake Hotel in Shepparton, Victoria.
75 former National Transport Federation members and leaders including the organisation’s founding director, Haset Sali and former CEO, Paul Gaynor will be at the event, as well as NatRoad President Geoff Crouch.
Mr Sali and Mr Gaynor will address attendees with stories of the organisation’s history, achievements and its substantial legacy to the road freight transport industry carried on today by NatRoad.
The NTF was established in 1986 by Mr Sali, a Melbourne solicitor, and 20 Goulburn Valley Transport operators. The organisation’s founders identified the need for an industry body to represent the interests of freight transport carriers at state and federal level.
Under the leadership of successive boards and Mr Gaynor, the NTF successfully lobbied for the introduction of speed limiters on all articulated vehicles throughout Australia, a national system of driver registration and accreditation, as well as a fairer and more equitable wage system for all transport operators based on productivity and enterprise agreements.
In 1994, NTF merged with the Long Distance Road Transport Association to form the National Road Transport Operators Association (NatRoad).