ITTES increases visitor numbers and continues to grow tradition

The 2014 edition of Melbourne’s International Truck, Trailer & Equipment Show has seen record attendance for the fourth consecutive time.

Visitor numbers are just below the magic 40,000 mark, according to a first estimate Show organisers published today. Show Director, Clint Hendry, said 39,500 exhibitors, trade and public visitors flocked to the Melbourne Showgrounds over the course of the four-day event – equating to six per cent increase over 2012.

“Pre-registrations were up 83 per cent in 2014, with 13,206 people signing up before the gates opened as compared to 7,218 in 2012,” Hendry added.

“I am happy to announce the fourth consecutive increase in visitor numbers, which is a remarkable achievement for the fourth instalment of an event. We have also seen the fourth consecutive increase in exhibit numbers this year – proving that we continue to build a great tradition here in Melbourne.”

According to a post-Show survey conducted by ITTES, a noticeably higher number of key decision makers from around the country were in attendance at the Show, and the percentage of visitors from interstate and regional centres has also increased compared to the last edition.

For the first time in the event’s history, ITTES also opened on a Sunday to accommodate drivers and fleet personnel – boosting the Show’s standing as a family spectacle. Hendry said the extra day also allowed ITTES to promote trucking as a highly skilled, future-oriented and professional industry segment to the wider public.

However, it has not yet been confirmed whether or not the four-day model will be continued. “We are still waiting for all exhibitors to reach a verdict before determining if the Sunday session will happen again in 2016,” said Hendry – pointing out that industry feedback will be crucial for future planning.

“Initial feedback has shown that ITTES indeed has an affordable space advantage, enabling truck and trailer manufacturers to showcase complete product line-ups instead of having to focus a single model, and allowing customers to see a large amount of vehicles and equipment at the same time,” he added.

The further development of moving displays and live product demonstrations proved to be a “huge hit” with visitors and exhibitors alike, who generated enquiries and closed orders on all four days, according to the ITTES survey. The opportunity to experience equipment live in action also helped buyers make purchasing decisions on the spot, the survey said.

Meanwhile, the inaugural Show & Shine event proved to be a viable crowd magnet on the weekend, with ITTES organisers commenting they are “overwhelmed” with applications for the 2016 edition.

“Above all, the 2014 Show demonstrated that industry confidence is slowly going up,” Hendry concluded. “Our survey is showing increased industry confidence backed up by solid orders taken at the show from all segments – truck manufacturers, trailer manufacturers and component suppliers – which is arguably the most important outcome. If a Show is a factor in promoting a change of course in business confidence, then it has truly proven its worth.”

Dates for 2016 event will be announced shortly.

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