After extensive industry and government stakeholder consultation, Intelligent Transport Systems Australia (ITS Australia) has released a strategy paper to improve the safety, economic and environmental performance of Australia's transport networks by capitalising on ITS technologies.
ITS Australia's CEO Susan Harris said the strategy focuses on the imperative to develop and deliver priority ITS solutions across transport modes. “This National ITS Industry Strategy recognises the needs and aspirations of transport users and operators, industry suppliers, government policy makers and regulators, academia, and the wider community,” said Harris.
“It has been developed with full awareness of the Austroads Cooperative ITS Strategic Plan, which focuses on cooperative ITS initiatives for road users, such as vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.
“The National ITS Industry Strategy also reflects the ambitions outlined in the Policy Framework for Intelligent Transport Systems in Australia endorsed by all Australian Transport Ministers at the Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure (SCOTI) meeting in November 2011,” she said.
In addition to being the major focus of two national ITS Summits, this strategy has benefited from extensive contributions by senior academics, government Ministers and officials, industry executives, and technology researchers and developers. “As the nation's peak ITS industry body, ITS Australia is pleased to continue to lead the delivery of the National ITS Industry Strategy. We believe that this plan, and the coordinating mechanisms proposed, will deliver significant measurable benefits to Australia’s transport system,” said Susan Harris.