Gateway Motorway fast tracked

According to the Australian Government, work on the Gateway Upgrade North project has been fast tracked, with designs now available online and early works due to begin in late 2014.

Speaking at the release of the preferred plan this week, Acting Prime Minister, Warren Truss, and Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister, Scott Emerson, said the deal struck between the Australian and Queensland Governments prior to the federal election meant certainty for the project.

“I expect we will be ready to call for tenders for early works in mid-2014,” Mr Truss said. “This was a key election promise for an Abbott government to ease congestion and improve safety on one of Queensland's most congested motorways.”

The upgrade will include widening 11.3 kilometres of roadway from four to six lanes between Nudgee and Bracken Ridge, upgrading the Nudgee Interchange and increasing the Deagon Deviation to two lanes in each direction.

The upgrade and extra lanes will reduce congestion and improve access, traffic flow and driver safety on and off the motorway in each direction.

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