CRT Australia gaining momentum


Only a month and a half after Prime Creative Media has officially launched a LinkedIn group to unite the country's transport elite online, the Group has passed the 150-member mark.

Group members not only represent the truck and trailer OEM market, but also key authorities and the local fleet sector. Growing on a daily basis, the Group has already established itself as a forum to share new ideas and discuss breaking news that may affect our industry – including acquisitions, staff changes and new contracts.

Australia’s most renowned publications in the truck, trailer and equipment industry – Prime Mover, Trailer and Global Trailer – are also involved, constantly feeding in industry updates in real time and adding though-provoking comments on the state of Australia’s commercial road transport industry.

According to John Murphy, John Murphy, Managing Director of Prime Creative Media, the launch of CRT Australia signals a commitment to the industry that turns the tide on some of the negativity and cutbacks seen currently in the publishing world. “Prime Creative Media continues to invest more in its products and now has a new forum to showcase our editorial talent,” he says. “We are dedicated to working closely with both manufacturers and fleets to ensure our magazines and websites continue to deliver the most current information in the commercial road transport industry. That’s why we invite all of them to join us on LinkedIn and get involved.”

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