Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) and Main Roads Western Australia have renewed their partnership, extending the Western Australian Road Research Innovation Program (WARRIP) for a further four years.
The agreement has been extended until 2027, which will continue the collaboration research initiative delivering innovative and sustainable solutions for road infrastructure projects throughout WA.
The research program was first introduced in 2015 and has since then delivered many successful projects focused on pavements, bituminous surfacings, asset management, structures and safety.
“The signing of this new four-year agreement will see a decade of benefits and improved outcomes as WARRIP continues to deliver innovative solutions and proven research core activities of our business,” said Main Roads Western Australia Managing Director, John Erceg.
“The program is helping to improve safety, increase our knowledge on sustainability and our approaches to asset management.
“I look forward to another four years of strong collaboration with the NTRO through this program.”
National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO)/ARRB COO, Dr Richard Yeo, and State Leader for WA, Craig Manton, are also pleased with the agreement renewal.
“The renewal of the WARRIP partnership between Main Roads and the NTRO / ARRB is a fantastic outcome which will enable ongoing innovation and new knowledge development to benefit management and operation of the WA transport network,” Yeo said.
Manton said the new agreement provides certainty of revenue for NTRO and will enable continued growth of the Perth office.
“It is wonderful that Main Roads Western Australia recognises the real benefits achieved through the outcome focussed research program with a new four-year WARRIP agreement continuing the work through to 2027,” he said.